Clean water and water conservation

Click here for the clean water and water conservation policy matrix.

Access to clean water is important for people, animals and plants and is hence and important part of food production. A variety of Northlanders are working as kaitiaki of your waterways extensive waterways. This involves monitoring and riparian plantings to protect waterways from sediment and nutrient incursion. There is also concern about the sale of water to foreign interests.

Clean water remains a highly controversial topic in New Zealand especially water quality in waterways and the sale of bottled water. As Northland has a huge coastline, the quality of seawater is also an issue for us.

Clean waterways

Millan Ruka of Environmental River Patrol Aotearoa is a kaitiaki for our waterways. This article  illustrates an example of his work.

Bottled water

This video from the Story of Stuff Project illustrates the scale of the problem of bottled water.

In Northland the Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau and Te Manurehure hapu continue to fight the commercial exploitation of Poroti Springs. Read more about this ongoing dispute in this Northern Advocate article.

Clean seas