
As the northernmost region of New Zealand, and its extensive coastline and proximity to the sea, Northland is well positioned to establishing a significant banana industry. This page lists banana growers and links to further resources about banana growing.


Banana varieties for Northland (an article by Russell Fransham)

Banana maths – investigating the potential value of a Northland banana industry (a Local Food Northland blog post)

Owen Schifli and Hugh Rose – two Northland banana growers (from Growing Tropical Fruits locally worth exploring, by Mike Barrington, The Country)

ProMusa is a comprehensive website “mobilising banana science for sustainable livelihoods”

This document from New South Wales Agriculture reveals that our summer temperatures in Northland are ideal for banana growth and might be better than hotter climates in Summer months.

Northland banana growers

If you know of other banana growers please leave details in a comment below.

Permadynamics, (Klaus Lotz) Matapouri. Klaus sells bananas at the Whangarei Growers market. more information>